US Elder Planning© is dedicated to providing resources and information to improve the quality of life for elderly individuals, their children, and caretakers. Most elder issues include daily, health related, financial, legal, and lifestyle needs of an individual or couple. Some elder issues require professional advice and assistance from an expert such as a social worker, financial planner, insurance agent, or attorney. This site provides resources and information in order for you to better understand elder issues and plan accordingly. Additionally, this site is a guide to assist you in recognizing when an elder issue requires professional help and how to choose the right professional for your elder issue. US Elder Planning is committed to providing resources and information to assist you in creating an elder plan(s), which when properly implemented, positively affects your quality of life and life of others around you.

US Elder Planning© is accepting elder related articles and comments. Articles and comments will be reviewed and edited shortly after any posting. The goal of this site is to provide useful elder planning information and should not be considered a substitute for professional advice.

To better understand elder issues and planning go to the Introduction tab to get started. If you have a particular elder issue you are interested in researching, then find a tab at the top of the page and choose either Professionals, Daily Care, Health Care, or Financial/Legal. Once you have a general understanding of a subject, then go to the categories on the left hand side of all the pages for a more detailed explanation of a particular elder issue. If your elder issue is not addressed, then submit a question on the Ask tab. If you have an article which you feel is appropriate for US Elder Planning, then go to Ask tab and click on Suggest. Finally, go to the Help tab for useful links regarding elder issues and planning.